Raw Cacao Butter

Raw cacao butter comes from raw cacao beans.
To make the butter, cacao beans are cold pressed to extract the oil. At room temperature, this oil then solidifies.

Raw cacao butter commonly used to make chocolate and what gives chocolate that melt-in-your-mouth, silky quality.
It’s also typically used as a dairy-free substitute for grass-fed butter. Add it to any recipes — including those that are dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan — or use it to make healthier chocolate bars, cakes, or keto treats like keto smoothies or keto coffee

Melting point of raw cacao butter is 37oC when it’s applied to your skin, cacao butter melts like a lotion and is quickly absorbed into your pores for instant moisturizing.

Net Weight 250g & 500g

250G Rp375,000
500G Rp680,000
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